New Job Recycling & Waste Educator In Prince Edward Island
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Recycling & Waste Educator |
Recycling & Waste Educator
Company : Regional District of Central Kootenay
Salary : Details not provided
Location : Prince Edward Island
Full Description
Job Posting
Regional District of Central Kootenay
Grohman & Lakeside, BC
RECYCLING & WASTE Recycling & Waste Educators are responsible for screening
EDUCATOR recycling material or waste at a recycling facilities and sites
to ensure only acceptable material is accepted, and to
Part-time redirect unacceptable materials. Recycling & Waste
Up to 24 hours per week Educators also maintain the cleanliness of sites and perform
basic site maintenance.
Recycling & Waste Educator positions are somewhat
The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) is
physically demanding and work is performed primarily
inviting applications for the position of Recycling & outdoors in varied weather conditions.
Waste Educator.
REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS Standard First Aid, Basic CPR with AED/willingness to
obtain required for some sites
AND ABILITIES: WHMIS certification
Excellent interpersonal communication skills and a Valid BC Drivers License
demonstrated ability to act with tact and diplomacy Satisfactory Criminal Record
when dealing with the public
Demonstrated ability to de‐escalate conflict with PHYSICAL DEMANDS:
members of the public
Constant movement, including stooping, bending,
Passion for Zero Waste and environmental issues
reaching, twisting and kneeling
Demonstrated ability to maintain logs and records and
Working alone in remote areas
to communicate via email
Exposure to varied weather, primarily without shelter
Ability to work autonomously and effectively with
minimal supervision Occasional lifting up to 25 kg (55lb)
Ability to work outdoors and have reasonable physical
This is a part-time position, working up to 24 hours per
fitness to meet the demands of the position
week. Applicants should be available to work a varied
REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: work schedule that includes day, weekend and/or evening
shifts and will be scheduled at the Grohman Recycling
Completion of High School Diploma or acceptable
Depot & Lakeside Recycling Depot. The hourly rate for this
position starts at $20.96.
One year experience in a customer service position,
with prior experience enforcing company policy and Applications submitted in the form of a resume and cover
standards letter will be accepted by Human Resources by email untill
Experience working outdoors the position has been filled.
Experience working alone and/or in remote locations
Experience with public education would be considered To apply please complete our online application which can
an asset be found here: Employment Application.